Lysophos Avian

It is an additive produced to increase resistance against diseases by strengthening the immune system of animals, to meet phospholipid needs, to protect the integrity of organs and tissues and to ensure regeneration with its antioxidant and regenerative effect.
Identifier Number Active Substance Contribution Name Level in Premix Units
Technological Additives: Emulsifiers, Stabilizers, Thickeners and Gelling agents
E222 Phospholipid 60% Lecithin 240.000 mg
Technological Additives: Binders, Anti-caking agents and Coagulants
E551 Silicon dioxide Synthetic amorphous silicon dioxide 50.000 mg
Functional Group: Protectors
E238 Calcium format [Ca(HCOO)2] Calcium formate (99.9%) 5.000 mg
Functional Group: Transporters
11.1.1 – E170 Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) Calcite (limestone) 545.000 mg
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: It is recommended to use between 0.5 – 1.0 kg per 1 ton of feed in poultry.
STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in cool, dark and moisture-free conditions in its packaging. Maintains stability up to 185 C in pelletizing and extrusion processes.
WARNING: Must be consumed within 24 months from the date of production.