
It is an additive produced to prevent fatty liver disease in ruminant animals, increase yield performance and improve milk fat.
Identifier Number (ECHA) Active Substance Contribution Name Level in Premix Units
Amino acids
100.000.393 – 3c301 Chelate methionine Methionine chelate of amino acids 50 40.000 mg/kg
100.000.673 – 3c323 Chelate lysine Lysine chelate of amino acids 50 16.000 mg/kg
3a314 – E375 Chelate niacin Niacin chelate 50 % of amino acids 6.000 mg/kg
Chemical Components
3a890 Chelate choline Choline chelate of amino acids 25 10.000 mg/kg
Functional Additives: Metabolism Regulators
L – carnitine 10.000 mg/kg
Functional Group: Transporters
11.1.1 – E170 Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) QSP mg/kg
Aromatic Compounds
2b Yucca schidigera (active ingredient Saponin 12%) 4.000 mg/kg
Natural Additives: Antioxidants, Liver protectants
2b Milk thistle extract 4.000 mg/kg
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: It is recommended to use 10 kg per 1 ton of feed or 100 g per animal in ruminant animals.
STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in cool, dark and moisture-free conditions in its packaging.
WARNING: Must be consumed within 24 months from the date of production.