Vizyomix Fish Mineral Premix

It is an additive produced to meet the mineral needs of fish.
Identifier Number Active Substance Level in Premix Units
Trace Minerals
E5 Manganese (Mn) 20.000 mg
3b606 – E6 Zinc (Zn) 100.000 mg
E4 Copper (Cu) 10.000 mg
E3 Cobalt (Co) 3.000 mg
E2 Iodine (I) 3.000 mg
3b8.10 – E8 Selenium (Se) 300 mg
E1 Iron (Fe) 100 mg
Technological Additives: Binders, Anti-caking agents, Viscosity enhancers, Toxin binders
E558 Bonkolite
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: It is recommended to use between 3 – 5 kg per 1 ton of feed for fish.
STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in cool, dark and moisture-free conditions in its packaging.
WARNING: Must be consumed within 24 months from the date of production.